
We took the kids up to Whitetail last weekend, for Roycie’s first time on the slopes and Harper’s ski school debut (second time on skis.) Roycie’s instructor started him out on the flat area, and he immediately pointed and said “I want to go on the Hill!” He warmed up in no time and had a blast for about thirty minutes, at which point he refused to move another inch and declared that he wanted to go home. Little Granny to the rescue with all the cars!


Meanwhile, Harper’s first ski school sounded mixed. She started out with Leo and Avery, but then apparently had a minor fall and shifted to another group. There’s a lot of mama in there- was not so pleased to not be the best in her crew. I told her Leo is a very good skier because he went somewhere for a week and skied every day. Her response: “when can we do that so I can get really good at skiing?”


Roycie definitely has the gear down.


Until next year, Whitetail!


Roycie Bean,

You are a smiling, laughing, hysterical three!

You are passionate about many things. Lightning McQueen, trucks, helicopters, race cars, PJ masks, construction vehicles, trains, ball sports, mickey, did I mention trucks and race cars?

Your “jet” (ride-on Ferrari from the Onders), your cat cars (see: PJ masks), your race car bed is and your Mac truck from Cars are your current prized possessions. There is a theme. And your faithful Mickey, who has a personality of his own and also often plays the role of big brother.

You are adored by your sister and studied by your brother. And you are everyone’s best friend. Brynn, Sean, Summie, Elsabe and Harper are at the very top.

You get funnier every day and crack us up literally all the time. It’s very hard to discipline you, when you’ll quip back when asked to eat more breakfast in your Tiger PJs: “Tigers don’t eat breakfast!” Today when we asked you to go potty before leaving the house as you were spinning circles around the table in the front room, you looked at Darren as said “I can’t! My hand is stuck!” As you whipped around with your hand in the middle of the table one more time. Always with a glint in your eye and that smile.

You are a proud big brother - “big boy Roycie” and you are a devoted little brother and side kick who plays family (you’re the husband) and hide and seek and frozen dress up and tag. You are the back up vocals and the lead guitarist. But you’re happy to be out of the spotlight, and at times get so sick of being near it that you quietly take yourself downstairs to play with your trains, planes, and automobiles while Harper’s performance carries on.

And, at the end of a long day and when you want to get cozy, you whisper “I’m baby Roycie.” You still curl up on me and you bury your head. I know these moments are fleeting and I drink them in.

You are sweet and snuggly and silly. You are a charmer and a builder and a mischief maker. You are so busy and you are so fast and are always - literally always - on the go. 

You will do anything you want in this world because your smile and your warmth and your ease are contagious.

We are so beyond lucky that you’re ours. Happy (belated) birthday, big Boy Roycie. We love you so.


New Year

There’s so much to say about our holiday break, a three year and a five month update to write, but for now I’ll say I’m so grateful for these little munchkins tucked snug as a bug in their beds. It’s these quiet moments in our house when I scroll through to peek on each of them on the monitor when it really hits me that we have three kids. How lucky are we. ❤️❤️❤️
