Nine Months


To our Rocie bean,

You are crawling, cruising, and charming everyone you meet with your big eyes and your big smile. 

You have boundless energy and make your way from one side of our living room to the other in seconds, almost always aiming straight for Bruno's water bowl. You start to learn a physical skill one day and literally master it by the end of the week. Last week, it was cruising next to the table with two hands. This week, it will be one hand and sooner than we can imagine, you're going to go hands free. 

You are small but mighty. 17 lbs, 4.5 oz and 27.25 inches of moving wriggling giggling energy. Yesterday, you grabbed hold of Dadda's ladder and started bouncing up down with excitement to the music. 



You're "talking!" A bit. Some "mama," some "dada," some "ba." Not always on target but getting clearer by the day. And with so much pride. Your grin now shows your three tooth, with a fourth on its (painful) way.

You delight in your sister, your puppy, his toys and his food. And music. And wires. And boxes. And chairs to climb and stairs to climb and tables to scoot under. 

Can you tell you are keeping us busy? We wouldn't have it any other way. You brighten all of our days.

We love you. 



Settling In

We have started to figure out our new routine. Harper excitedly reports on her soccer and art work and new buddies at her new school, Royce is on the move and smiling non-stop, Ramina is a part of the family and I'm adjusting to my commute. There's still a long way to go on getting the house furnished and sorted, but at least I feel like I can wrap my head around what our new life actually looks like, and it feels really good. 

Not to mention getting these pictures of these happy munchkins during the day makes me so, so happy. 


Spirit Week

Harper's new school had "spirit week" last week complete with a theme for each day. I can't tell you what a relief it was to watch our girl settle in and start enjoying it. Clearly it was a success when her first question on saturday morning was  "mama is it yellow day today?"



... and she had her first show and tell! "Friendship" themed, so obviously she brought in a picture of Leo. ❤️ 



Onto week three! 


First Days of School, Highs and Lows

The high was the big girl first day of school photo shoot with her idols, Gabriella and Ariana: 



The lows were multiple: 

- after I (stupidly!) went back into her room to put away her nap bag and caused a major freak out,

- the moment when I received the below photo, after having told myself I'd feel SO much better once I saw a pic because I was sure she was having such a good time...



Dagger eyes! She was so pissed! 

Then on Tuesday, in the chaos of leaving the house, when I thought I had told darren that she needed to be dressed in her school clothes, he hadn't heard me. Suffice it to say, I just about died when I learned we had sent her in her pajamas to school on the second day! 





Back to School Catch Up

The past few weeks have been a blur. Settling in with Ramina, Hull cabin weekend, befriending our neighbors, saying goodbye to Gladys (!), getting the house organized (or at least making a small dent), and getting ready for preschool. And somewhere in there, Roycie turned 8 months old and started pulling himself up and climbing on everything he can get his hands on. He is babbling and giggling and busy and always on the go. Oh, and we had an anniversary.

Here are some snapshots - only a very small window into the fun, sun, joy and chaos that has defined our closing weeks of summer. 


So grateful! And Harper's new school starts tomorrow. Here's to the next era.