

Roycie Bean,

You are four! (And have been for a month, but you are also patient.)

You are kind. And silly. And full of mischief. You are a racecar driver. And a Tiger. And a brother. You love the fastest jets (cars), the loudest engines and the highest planes.

You are a builder. A puzzler. An engineer. (Like your dad). You are patient, and will sit and work through a puzzle for an hour at a time, determined and steadfast and unflappable, even as the chaos of Harper and Carter runs at full tilt in the background. Your teachers comment on your focus and your attention to detail as you’ll sit and color in the lines until your work is complete. I saw this first hand recently when we made your friend Callia a birthday card and as I kept trying to rush us out the door, you quietly pointed out that not all the birthday candles, cake layers and sprinkles were colored in. So we sat. I took a deep breath and I watched you work. Careful and quiet with your little tongue perched in the side of your mouth in the place you tuck it when you are determined.

You have a twinkle in your eye and are silly in your bones. Also like your dad. You have a joke and a quip ready at every turn, and you are effortlessly funny. Last night at dinner you excused yourself “I need to go peepee!!” (something I will miss so much someday). You started giggling in the bathroom and we asked you why and you exclaimed “I’m peepeeing a NEW WAY! On my tippy toes standing and no spills!” And then you proceeded to crawl out of the bathroom (after hand wash don’t worry that would be gross) on all fours in your tiger costume with the tiger head covering your own and took your seat at the table. Standard.

You have a huge, generous heart and you feel deeply. When I asked what your low was today, you said it was that carter had to get shots at his doctor’s appointment. Yesterday your high was that Carter had a good day at school. Last month you cried when we had to say goodbye to my Acura, even though we were trading it in for a cooler sportier keep.

Your first true love is your Mickey, followed closely by your tiger. Your tiger PJs are next, followed by Tiger costume, Tiger shirt, Tiger slippers, Tiger light and Tiger toys. Oh, and your leaf blower.

You are a goofball and a warm, lighthearted soul. You have an ease about you the is truly contagious. I anticipate many years of effortless friendships and class clowning in your future. And you and your brother are shaping up to be a lot like the silly sarcastic practical joking Rowen-Darren duo.

We are so lucky that you’re ours.

We love you!